Tag: Podcasts

  • 60 – 5 Guys, One At A Time

    We're back again with a Father's Day treat! We talk about food, more specifically 5 Guys. Bill's never been there, and that spun up a downward spiraling discussion about this and that. We get into a couple of truck shows we're planning on attending, and so much more!

  • 59 – Empire Of Bacon

    Well you won't believe this, but we talk about food - more specifically: bacon. This leads into a discussion about some memories of trucking. We get into some places you may see us in the future. All of this and a whole lot more!

  • 58 – A Moment Of Silence

    This week we talk a little about our experience at the Lima Truck Show in Lima Ohio. Steve tries out a new segment. We talk about our experiences in the latest DOT Blitz. We also get into a moment of silence over the loss of a dearly beloved place we used to get BBQ. All this and a lot more!

  • 57 – Miss Flatbed Red

    This week we're joined by "Miss Flatbed Red." We had a great time talking about her experiences with being a fantastic graphics designer/graphics creator in the trucking industry. We also went off the rails with some of the usual talk about food and some such things. We had a great time!

  • 56 – The Boston Trucker

    This week we're joined by Mike, AKA "The Boston Trucker." We had a lot of fun talking shop. We had our usual back and forth. Steve shares his thoughts with his "2 Cents Worth" bit. We had a lot of fun!