Tag: mp3

  • 63 – Introducing Maleah

    Starting This week, it's no longer just the three of us. We introduce a new co-host to the show! Maleah joins us for our next evolution of madness! We talk a little about the recent International Homecoming show which took place here in Fort Wayne. Both Dave, and Maleah were in attendance. All this and a whole lot more!

    Also, episodes will henceforth be weekly! You'll have all of our goodness show up on YouTube every week.

    Let us know what you think!

  • 62 – Bib Overall Jamboree

    This week is a good one, folks! We start off with an uplifting story about Dave and a Walmart driver. We get into our experience with this past weekend's Iowa 80 Jamboree. We get into some news about some of Yellow's terminals being absorbed by other LTL companies, which sparks a conversation about unions in general and their place in the Trucking Industry. All of this and a whole lot more!

  • 61 – “Where Get From Who and Why”

    A little random stuff to tickle your senses with this week. Nothing of any real value. Just three guys chewing the fat. Get with us on our Facebook group and give us some ideas for topics! We love you all!

  • 60 – 5 Guys, One At A Time

    We're back again with a Father's Day treat! We talk about food, more specifically 5 Guys. Bill's never been there, and that spun up a downward spiraling discussion about this and that. We get into a couple of truck shows we're planning on attending, and so much more!

  • 58 – A Moment Of Silence

    This week we talk a little about our experience at the Lima Truck Show in Lima Ohio. Steve tries out a new segment. We talk about our experiences in the latest DOT Blitz. We also get into a moment of silence over the loss of a dearly beloved place we used to get BBQ. All this and a lot more!