Episode 83 Show Notes

Episode 83 Show Notes

Published:  December 27, 2024   ByAshley

Ohio rest areas along I-76 reopen after closure in 2021

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has reopened a pair of rest area locations after they were closed for nearly four years for renovations. This month, ODOT reopened Rootstown rest areas located on I-76 in Portage County after many years of closure. The I-76 eastbound rest area has 26 car parking spaces and 10 truck parking spaces. The I-76 westbound rest area has 28 car parking spaces and 10 truck parking spaces. The rest areas closed in January 2021 for renovations.

WKBN reports that the closure was only supposed to last for a year, but an issue with a contractor slowed the progress of the project.



Did you ever wonder if it was all really worth the cash or maybe credit you all just spent last week? 

This season, 36% of American consumers took on holiday debt, according to a new survey from LendingTree. Those who racked up balances this season took on an average of $1,181 in debt, up from $1,028 in 2023. However, that is still down from $1,549 in 2022, LendingTree found.

How do I get back to normal after Christmas?

Take Time to Slow Down

Don’t forget to let your mind recover, too. The holidays can be emotional for some, or you may just need time to come down from all the excitement. If you’re in a post-festivity funk, practicing mindfulness can help you get back on track. Start with a simple breathing exercise.

If that doesn’t work for you. I find drinking a large amount of bourbon or whatever your choice is helps! Just kidding people. Wink,Wink. 

Step back, relax and get a game plan in place to knock it down and get a handle on your finances. Stick to it and don’t stray, You’ll be back on track before next Christmas, hopefully.

Was there something this year that you bought that was over the top or outlandish?