Episode 80 Show Notes

Episode 80 Show Notes

Idaho to spend $3.4 million on upgrades to weigh stations

Published:  November 30, 2024   ByAshley

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) awarded a $3.4 million contract to add new technology and provide services at weigh station locations.                                                                 On November 27, commercial vehicle enforcement technology company Quarterhill Inc. announced the receipt of contracts for system upgrades and maintenance at Commercial Vehicle Enforcement stations operated by the Idaho State Police.                                                                    The contract includes the addition of several new features at the Inkom Port-of-Entry weigh station along the I-15 corridor, including upgraded Weigh-In-Motion technology, advanced license plate readers and overview cameras, an over-height detector, and automatic vehicle identification antenna and reader electronics.                                                                                                                 The Inkom weigh station upgrades will also include a Tire Anomaly and Classification System (TACS) , designed to detect and classify tire issues, including flat, missing, or under-inflated tires.  Also as part of the ITD contract, Quarterhill is to provide a year’s worth of maintenance at additional Idaho commercial vehicle enforcement sites.                                                                            “Partnering with the Idaho Transportation Department underscores Quarterhill’s dedication to advancing infrastructure through innovation,” Chuck Myers, CEO of Quarterhill, commented. “Upgrades like the modernized e-screening system, enhanced electronics, and TACS installation reflect our commitment to road safety, operational efficiency, and environmental sustainability. These improvements streamline commercial vehicle processing and reinforce our role in delivering impactful public infrastructure projects that benefit Idaho and its citizens.”


Do you ever think about donating during the Holidays?

There are many places that take donations during the holidays, but you worry about ones that are scams or don’t use the money for what they were asking it for. Do your homework everyone, be diligent. Check on the charities you are going to give to, make sure they’re on the level. Also just because you hear about a charity advertised or recommended even by this article, check them out please. Now with that said, here’s a few that come up each year.

Here are some charities you can donate to at Christmas:

  • Toys for Tots
    A U.S. Marine Corps charity that has been collecting and distributing toys to children in need since 1947. You can donate toys, money, or send a personal message to a child.
  • Operation Christmas Child
    A Samaritan’s Purse program that encourages people to fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, and other gifts for children around the world. 
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
    A charity that grants wishes for children with serious illnesses. You can partner with Macy’s to donate $1 for each letter to Santa dropped off at their store. 
  • Prison Fellowship Angel Tree
    A program from the Christian charity Prison Fellowship that helps children with at least one parent in prison. 
  • Salvation Army Angel Tree
    A program from the Salvation Army that works with Walmart to help children. You can contact your local Salvation Army to find out where to donate or for more information. 
  • One Simple Wish
    A charity that helps make children’s dreams come true. Agencies submit wishes on behalf of children, and then individuals can make those wishes come true. 

These are just a few from a list a mile long. Give with your wallet and your heart. You just never know whos life you might make a difference in this Holiday season. All it takes is just one donation and you could change the outlook on someones life. Thanks.